Saturday, July 10, 2010

As I complete 53 today

The first thoughts are of Thanksgiving to the Almighty and to my Parents in Heaven. It has been a wonderful journey so far - the journey of life.With so much to do, it is indeed a very short period. We need to come back again and again. But who knows - the journey to other parts of the Universe could be equally interesting. So it is best to leave it to His designs.

As the birthday cake was being cut at office yesterday (Friday) in advance, I was telling my colleagues - that I have to grow one year younger to keep pace with the new entrants in the organization. And that will be the same for the next few years at office. The new guys this year are my elder son's age. So far it has been so good. The energy level has played well. Hope to continue with the same spirit for the next 27 quarters.

The best part is that I came in contact with you. You means everyone I have interacted with so far. And there are so many with whom I have not interacted personally but still they have impacted me so much. A big Thank You to ALL of you wherever you are. I am so proud to be a WORLD citizen.

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