A great many of us with aging start loving the status quo. I have seen many youngsters also showing that sort of a behavior. Many a time we just do not know how to reach the next level. It could be competition, complacency, clumsiness, ignorance, lack of energy, lack of confidence, not foreseeing any gains, fear to take up more responsibility, fear of losing whatever has been built up so far and so on. The list would be endless. You talk to them and you'll hear "enough is enough" as the response which is more of a reaction. I must say that the world loses a lot of talent that way. A good leader/mentor could reverse that. Whatever, I am not discussing the rights/wrongs on that approach. Fine you are not going to the next level. That is eluding you. But what such people can definitely do is
to take whatever they are currently doing to the NEXT level. You need not go to the next level.
The above truth has always been there. But it has specifically dawned upon me now as an off-shoot to my Blog writing. The very fact that I have to think before I pen down anything is the trigger. In fact I have now decided to make an effort towards that direction - just to take the current work to the next level. It will be quite an effort. First and foremost, I'll have to break the set mind-set. Then will have to really think thru and see the end-result -where and how to make that impact so as to really call it as the next level. Then ofcourse is the execution part which will call for changes galore.
Sounds interesting!! Let me see. Here I'll need your wishes.
Very great thoughts :) Seeing and working with you through the years, I think you have also become complacent and cozy in your current role. You would progressed far if you had asked for change. All the very Best...