Today's deep focus is on
1. Malala's attempt for de-Talibanization - how effective that would be
2. The attempt being made to connect 2.5 lakh gram panachayats thru the net
3.A story to portray that Namo's good is not good enough
4.And an interview on the Mussorie Writers festival
While there has been a furore the world over, people closer to the ground at Swat valley in Taliban Pakistan are not very enthusiastic about the impact of little Malala's deeds. The Pakistan army is not very keen to suppress the Talibans in Pakistan. Quite a few of them run away to Afganistan and continue with their hit and run tactics from there. President Zardari feels his country is too weak to face any backlash. Rather than becoming entirely pessimistic, I feel instances like Malala's, hundreds of them, will finally change the scenario there.And it will take hundreds of years. LDL (bad cholestrol) count will diminish and HDL (good cholestrol) will increase. Someday, sometime, Afganistan would get back to the glorious days of Kanishka. Attached picture is of Mingora town in Swat Valley - an erstwhile tourist place.
Sam Pitroda still rules. His Rs 30000 crore project on strengthening broadband internet connectivity across 2.5 lakh gram panchayats will connect the whole of RURAL India. The country will reap the benefit of on-line current live 'Information'. The farmer may get a better price (unless the middleman invents another devious method) and so on and so forth.Already the nation has got a 4 million rural mobile phone users. Connectivity would be a great boon. Ofcourse, the thugs will be using the new-found tool to the hilt, but at the end it will not be restricted to them only. Everyone will benefit, whatever be his/her area of operation.
Namo is Narendra Modi - was not aware of that. Today's article has everything negative about his results. Gujarat has been shown as the worst of the performers amongst the top 20 states. Namo Narendra Modi. Take it positively. Years of hard work has taken Gujarat to the current statistics. So another 20 years of continuous harder work will catapult the state to the front line amongst the top 20 states. For sustenance, my view is that it has to be broad-based. Concentration of wealth in a few hands will be nothing new. That is the story everywhere.
Mussorie wriers festival was a congregation of writers from the hills and some from abroad. Writers move the world. It will be a long time when the sale of books in India goes somewhere near to that in the US. But atleast these literary festivals bring some cheer to the writers and creates that incremental awareness towards the arts. If it results in a little extra royalty income for the writer then why not? Let's have such functions in all the towns of India, big and small. Jai Ho!!
1. Malala's attempt for de-Talibanization - how effective that would be
2. The attempt being made to connect 2.5 lakh gram panachayats thru the net
3.A story to portray that Namo's good is not good enough
4.And an interview on the Mussorie Writers festival

Sam Pitroda still rules. His Rs 30000 crore project on strengthening broadband internet connectivity across 2.5 lakh gram panchayats will connect the whole of RURAL India. The country will reap the benefit of on-line current live 'Information'. The farmer may get a better price (unless the middleman invents another devious method) and so on and so forth.Already the nation has got a 4 million rural mobile phone users. Connectivity would be a great boon. Ofcourse, the thugs will be using the new-found tool to the hilt, but at the end it will not be restricted to them only. Everyone will benefit, whatever be his/her area of operation.
Namo is Narendra Modi - was not aware of that. Today's article has everything negative about his results. Gujarat has been shown as the worst of the performers amongst the top 20 states. Namo Narendra Modi. Take it positively. Years of hard work has taken Gujarat to the current statistics. So another 20 years of continuous harder work will catapult the state to the front line amongst the top 20 states. For sustenance, my view is that it has to be broad-based. Concentration of wealth in a few hands will be nothing new. That is the story everywhere.
Mussorie wriers festival was a congregation of writers from the hills and some from abroad. Writers move the world. It will be a long time when the sale of books in India goes somewhere near to that in the US. But atleast these literary festivals bring some cheer to the writers and creates that incremental awareness towards the arts. If it results in a little extra royalty income for the writer then why not? Let's have such functions in all the towns of India, big and small. Jai Ho!!